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SpectraAlyzer GRAIN


SpectraAlyzer GRAIN

All Grain Analyzer and Quality Check



The SpectraAlyzer GRAIN is an all grain analyzer, Near-InfraRed spectrometer which is dedicated to analyzing the composition of grain samples using the near infrared absorbance characteristics of the sample spectra.


It is suitable for the compositional analysis of a wide variety of food products like grains, cereals, oil seeds and flour. All possible grain quality check parameters for e.g. grain products, such as protein, moisture, oil, ash, hardness and water absorption can be analyzed simultaneously. The sample is top filled directly into the sample cell of the SpectraAlyzer GRAIN analyzer, there is no need for grinding or other sample preparation at all.


The sample will be fed through the sample chamber via a robust feeding device and automatically discharged. In order to analyze powder samples e.g. wheat flour an optional Flour Module is as accessory available. Each grain analyzer can be fitted with a test weight module (aka Bushel weight, hectoliter weight, or specific weight) to determine the volume to weight ratio of the sample. An automatic path length adjustment enables the user to quickly analyse a multitude of whole grain and oil seed samples.


The all grain quality check instrument is controlled with an easy-to-use icon-driven software, using a modern interface glass panel slider called COS Central Operation Slider, and a color TFT display with 640×480 pixels. The innovative graphical user interface and its functions are very intuitive to use. The user interface is made of glass for easy hygienic cleaning and years of maintenance-free operation.