In slechts 30 seconden een nauwkeurige vetanalyse van een voedselmonster
Scaling up from the lab to pilot-plants or factory scale require a lot of knowledge and extrapolation through technology. Our portfolio supports these steps without limitations.
In slechts 30 seconden een nauwkeurige vetanalyse van een voedselmonster
Moisture, Fat & Protein Meat Analyzer
A rapid and affordable fat analyzer for raw/pre-blended meat.
Snelste gecombineerde microgolf met halogeen vocht/drogestof analyse systeem beschikbaar op de markt.
Rapid Bulk and Parallel Sample Drying. A unique instrument for rapidly drying samples up to 1kg.
Manual and automated diffusion testing systems. More compact, easier to use, and more precise than conventional systems
The Phoenix RDS platform provides fully automated sampling and collection for either six or twelve vertical diffusion cells in a compact footprint.
Versatile perfomance dissolution tester, built with the highest quality components and engineering
Run two methods simultaneously or independently. Ideal for bioequivalence studies of generic vs. innovator drug formulations