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Scaling up from the lab to pilot-plants or factory scale require a lot of knowledge and extrapolation through technology. Our portfolio supports these steps without limitations.

Smart 6


Fastest combined microwave with halogen moisture/solids analysis system available on the market.



Rapid Bulk and Parallel Sample Drying. A unique instrument for rapidly drying samples up to 1kg.



Moisture, Fat & Protein Meat Analyzer

A rapid and affordable fat analyzer for raw/pre-blended meat.

Vision G2 Elite 8

Teledyne Hanson

Versatile perfomance dissolution tester, built with the highest quality components and engineering

CD14 Comparative Dissolution

Teledyne Hanson

Run two methods simultaneously or independently. Ideal for bioequivalence studies of generic vs. innovator drug formulations

Vision autoplus

Teledyne Hanson

Seamless integration, intuitive programming and operation, flexibility to handle a wide range of applications

CD autoplus (+ autofill)

Teledyne Hanson

The CD AutoPlus™ is a precision autosampling system with all-inert syringes, valves, tubing, and fluidics, designed for plug-and-play integration with CD14 Comparative Dissolution Testers.

Media-Mate plus

Teledyne Hanson

Media preparation and accurately dispensing precise adjusted media volumes into groups of 6 or 7 dissolution flasks simultaneously – all in less than five minutes.

Phoenix Dry Heat Systems

Teledyne Hanson

Manual and automated diffusion testing systems. More compact, easier to use, and more precise than conventional systems